Famous people that stutter

Famous people that stutter

Monday, July 12, 2010

Two Journal Articles

"Late Childhood Stuttering"
American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association
By:Peter Howell June 2008
Purpose: A study was conducted that examined factors that lead children who stutter around age 8 years to persist in the disorder when they reach 12 years of age
Method: Seventy-six children were verified to be stuttering at initial assessment when they reached 12 years of age, they were classified as persistent or recovered. A range of measures was taken at the 2 age points, and measure were examined by recovery group.
Results: Although the tendency for more males than females to stutter was confirmed, the reasons for this tendency are not apparent for those speaks. Different patterns in speech were observed:Severity ratings of the recovered speakers dropped by age 12. Persistent and recovered speakers differed on temperamental performance at around age 8 years and performed differently on sensory and motor tasks at age 12
Conclusion: Stuttering in late childhood affects mainly males. The later a child attends clinic, the longer he/she will stutter. Speech patterns of children who persist diverge from those who recover or who are fluent. As speakers persist, there are tempermental, sensory, and motor changes.

The American Journal of Pyschiatry
published in 1991 By:JP Brady
"The Pharmacology of Stuttering: A critical review"
Objective: The author critically examines the limited world literature on pharmacologic treatments of stuttering
Method: The literature on stuttering and drugs was identified by means of two computer-assisted searches
Findings: A great variety of pharmacologic agents have been used to treat stuttering, reflecting the many theories about the origin and nature of the disorder. I some instances, new hypotheses about the nature of stuttering have followed the chance discovery of agents using efficacy.
Conclusion: Few studies have used adequate experimental designs promising avenues of research, both for the treatment of stuttering and for exploring its nature, include the use of calcium blocking agents and certain other drugs.

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